Babies Don’t Get Cracked


We have found that some parents are hesitant about seeing a chiropractor for their baby. This is mainly because they think babies receive the same treatment as an adult.

When we think of chiropractic most of us think of a crack. The noise made during manipulation is not actually cracking, but nitrogen gas being released from the facet joints of the spine.

People fail to understand that chiropractic techniques differ between age groups. This is why there is baby and child focused chiropractic training and courses/ degrees.

In newborn babies and kids under 2 years of age , techniques are very different . Techniques are very gentle, often involving a finger pressure ( no more than what you can tolerate by touching your eye ball). No ” cracking sound” is made, as the facet joints of the spine are not separated enough for the nitrogen gas to escape.

In 2019 Safe care Victoria and COAG investigated the safety of chiropractic for babies and kids under 12 years old. It is comforting for parents that the review indicated that:

  1. Chiropractic spinal treatment for infants and children was safe with no adverse events found.
  2. Chiropractic spinal treatment for infants and children reported by respondents to have helped 98% of children.
  3. 99.7% of respondents reported a positive experience with chiropractic spinal care of their child.

Our clinic prides itself on being baby and child focused . Our chiropractors treating babies are well experienced as well as having completed courses in chiropractic paediatrics.

Our experienced team is here to answer any questions you may have .

Please feel free to call the office anytime .

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