Babies who hate the car seat


Babies who hate the car seat is one of the most common reasons that parents bring their babies to see us here at Children’s Sunshine Chiropractic.

There is nothing worse than trying to drive whilst your baby is screaming their lungs out in the car. This is distressing for parents and may be dangerous on the road, as it is difficult to concentrate on driving while your baby is distressed.

There may be many different reasons why babies scream whilst travelling in the car.

One of the most common causes discovered during 20 + years of clinical practice is that misalignments of your babies neck and or low back may make sitting in the car uncomfortable for them. As babies can’t communicate by talking,  their only mode of communication is crying or screaming.

Tips for babies who hate the car seat!

1: Have you baby check by a chiropractor to identify and correct any spinal misalignments ( especially cranial sacral misalignments)

2: Distract your baby using a mirror that shows their reflection or plays music

3: Have someone sit next to your baby whilst travelling to distract them ( where possible)

4: Sing of talk to your baby whilst travelling.

5: Keep you baby rear facing until it is safe to change them to forward facing. QLD law is to keep babies rear facing for the first 6 months with recommendations to keep them rear facing for as long as possible ( their size allows).

Have your baby assessed by one of our chiropractors by calling us on 0754917743 or booking online Bookings (